Young man reclining on couch using laptop.

Scams & Fraud Alert Notices

We are committed to keeping you and your money safe. As we receive notices of current scams being circulated through our peers, we will post them to this page for you too.
Social media networks and dating websites have become increasingly popular tools for meeting and communicating. Unfortunately, fraudsters have capitalized on this trend and often create fake profiles to lure in victims, establish romantic relationships and eventually, extort money.

According to the FBI, over $220 million was lost in 2019 to online romance scam artists. Older Americans in particular have been targeted by this type of scam.

While online dating can open doors to loving, happy relationships, we are receiving more and more reports of criminals using these platforms to take advantage of unsuspecting users. Approach these relationships with caution so you don’t end up with a broken heart and an empty wallet. If you’re concerned that you or a loved one are being scammed, First Bank Hampton recommends taking the following precautions:
  • Slow down – and talk to someone you trust. Don’t let a scammer rush you.
  • Never wire money, put money on a gift or cash reloadable card, or send cash to an online love interest. You won’t get it back.
  • Contact your bank right away if you think you’ve sent money to a scammer.
  • Report your experience to the online dating site.
As Facebook has grown in popularity, it has also gained traction among cybercriminals as a way to target new victims. First Bank Hampton wants to make sure you know how to spot these fake accounts, so their personal information remains secure. “Social media has changed the way we interact with each other, and it has also made us more vulnerable to cyber-attacks,” said Dave Heuberger, President & CEO “Knowing what to watch for can help ensure that you do not become the next victim.”
The Iowa Department of Justice recently published an article in its Consumer Focus newsletter, examining four scams that cybercriminals use to target people on Facebook. They include:
  • Friend requests from an imposter. Criminals use this scam to gain personal information from the people who accept the friend request. They might also ask for money or post links that contain malware. If you think you or someone you know has had their account cloned by an imposter, report it to Facebook immediately. It is also wise to set your Facebook account settings to show as little as possible to people who you are not already connected.
  • Like this page and win! In this scam, cybercriminals will make you think you won a sweepstakes or contest and ask you to send money for taxes and other fees. Never send money or provide personal information, such as bank accounts and Social Security numbers to any such page.
  • Your account will be disabled. If you receive a message that appears to be from Facebook asking you to verify your login credentials, DON’T DO IT! Facebook never sends out messages asking for personal information. They are simply an attempt to obtain your login credentials to the network. If you receive such a message, report it to Facebook immediately.
  • Look at this video of you! If you receive this message from one of your Facebook friends, it is likely a scam. Clicking on such a link could allow a cybercriminal to obtain your login information or expose you to malware. If you are unsure if the message is legitimate, contact your friend by phone or email and ask if they posted it.
If you have questions about your account, your personal information or feel you may have been scammed, please feel free to contact us at 641-456-4793. Providing you with helpful information as well as keeping you safe and secure is our top priority as your community bank.